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About Me

"That looks bad"

Says my mother condescendingly to a twelve-year-old Hasbi Ash Shiddiq in Indonesia struggling to draw hands and feet.


Those words are the sole fuel that got me through College at AMIKOM University of Yogyakarta in getting my Computer Science degree, while also developing my artistic skills. This experience helped me develop my perseverance to finish almost any project, alongside good communication and my high tolerance for criticism.


In the end, the art sides within me won, so much so that it got me two and half years of experience in MSV Studios working in concept arts and animations, Which boosted my confidence to go into the book cover illustration industry and the development of my unique art style that mainly focuses on visual storytelling using contents from the story, drawn with necessary details, complemented with colors that are perfect for the story.


My dream in this career is to be able to work with the best publishing houses, such as Penguin Random House,  Harper Collins, and Macmillan on their book covers, which are filled with great characters, and creatures that are fun to draw.



“Hasbi is really good at handling his own task, quick response for any urgent revision, and added to that is his fast 
understanding of what is needed for the project he handles. His results is exactly what i want, quick and efficient. I'm 
highly recommending him for your illustration project."


"Hasbi is fast, from how he works, and understanding when we brief the job. Doesn't take too long to respond."
Hasbi has Great attitude, especially when taking in criticism. The point is, having a collaborator such as him
is not a dissapointment. He also quick in terms of proble solving, and it is an honor to be able to work with Hasbi"

© 2024 by Hasbi Ash Shiddiq

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